Welcome to the electronic grant application system for the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.
Grants for scientific research
The Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation supports scientific research in mathematics, astronomy, physics, and chemistry, including medical chemistry. Researchers with an academic degree are eligible to apply. The grants are awarded for research, doctoral research, and post-doctoral research as well as travel costs related to research activities.
Grants for school teachers
The Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation supports short continuing education courses in mathematics, physics and chemistry aimed at teachers in middle and high schools in Finland. The support may be used to cover costs for lecturers and teaching materials as well as costs incurred by the participants. Individual teachers may also apply for support for attending courses and conferences abroad.
Awarded grants are published on Magnus Ehrnrooth's birthday, March 6.
This service enables you to prepare and submit your grant application electronically.
The application period runs annually 15 October to 30 November
Enter your username and password to log in. If you are using the system for the first time, please register and create your own username and password.
If you need technical assistance, you can be in contact with the technical support: hakemustuki@datalink.fi.